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性自命出 Xing zi ming chu
Xìng zìmìng chū
Engelse titel: Human Nature Comes via Mandate
Alternatieve titels: The Inborn-Nature Comes from the Mandate (ook als Xing qing lun 性情論 - Essay on the Inborn-Nature and the Emotions).
De tekst werd gevonden bij zowel de Guodian opgravingen als bij de Shanghai Museum bamboo slips.
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Ames, Roger T. (2014). Collaterality in Early Chinese Cosmology: An Argument for Confucian harmony (He) As creatio in Situ. Early China, Vol. 37, pag. 445470. *.

Brindley, Erica Fox (2006). Music and 'Seeking One's Heart-Mind' in the 'Xing Zi Ming Chu'. Dao, Vol. 5-2, pag. 247-255. *.

Chan, Shirley (2009). Human Nature and Moral Cultivation in the Guodian Text of the Xing Zi Ming Chu. Dao, Vol. Vol 8 p 361-382 *.
Holloway, Kenneth W. (2013). The Quest for Ecstatic Morality in Early China. Oxford University Press.
ISBN13: 978-0199744824
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Perkins, Franklin (2017). Music and Affect: The Influence of the Xing Zi Ming Chu on the Xunzi and Yueji. Dao, Vol. Vol 16 Issue 3 p325 *.

Puett, Michael J. (2004). The Ethics of responding properly: The notion of Qing in Early Chines thought. *
in Halvor Eifring, Love and emotions in traditional Chinese literature, Brill 2004.
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