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行氣銘 Xingqi ming
Engelse titel: Jade Inscription of Qi Movement
The earliest extant textual evidence of a breathing technique relating to daoyin is an inscription on a block of jade dating from the late Warring States period (around the late 4th or early 3rd century BCE). This jade artefact, now in the Tianjin Museum, has twelve sides in the shape of a cylinder, measures 5.4 cm in height and 3.4 cm in width, and fits comfortably in the hand.
De cylinder heeft 12 zijden met op iedere zijde 3 karakters. De totale tekst is 36 karakters groot. De tekst is geschreven in 'seal script' en wordt nog niet volledig begrepen. Dat leidt tot verschillende vertalingen.
Vertaling Guo Munro:
則退,退則天。天幾 (機) 舂 (動) 在上,地幾 (機) 舂 (動) 在下。順則生 , 逆則死。
The movement of the qi: When it becomes deep, it stores. When it stores, it extends. When it extends, it goes downward. When it goes downward, it becomes stable. When it is stable, it becomes strong. When it is strong, it begins to germinate. When it germinates, it grows. When it grows, it then retreats. When it retreats, it becomes Heaven. The dynamism of Heaven moves upwards and the dynamism of Earth moves downwards. Following it, one lives; opposing it, one dies.
Vertaling Allyn Rickett:
To activate* the breath (xing qi 彳亍 氣,breathe deeply so there is great volume. When the volume is great, the breath will expand. When it expands, it will move downward. When it has reached the lower level, fix it in place. When it is in place, hold it steady. Once it is steady, it will become like a sprouting plant. Once it sprouts, it will grow. As it grows it will retrace its path. When retracing its path, it will reach the Heaven area. The Heaven impulse forces its way upward; the Earth impulse forces its way downward. Whoever acts accordingly will live; whoever acts contrariwise will die. (Rickett 1998 Guanzi vol 2 p 19)
*Michael Stanley Baker geeft: To circulate
Vertaling Chen Banghuai 陳邦懷 (1897–1986),
行氣,吞則 , 則伸,伸則下,下則定,定則固,固則萌,萌則長, 長則復,復則天。天其本在上,地其本在下。順則生,逆則死。
To circulate vapour: Swallow, then it travels; travelling, it extends; extending, it descends; descending, it stabilizes; stabilizing, it solidifies; solidifying, it sprouts; sprouting, it grows; growing, it returns; returning, it is heaven. Heaven - its root is above; earth – its root is below. Follow the pattern and live; go against it and die.
Livia Kohn komt met:
....When it is pulled upwards, it reaches the crown of the head. It then touches above at the crown of the head and below at the base of the spine. Who practises like this will attain long life. Who goes against this will die
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