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素問 Suwen - De eenvoudige vragen
Sù wèn
Engelse titel: Basic Questions
De Suwen is het eerste deel van Huandi Neijing.
Indeling tekst
Hieronder geven we de hoofdstukken weer van de Suwen in de vertaling van Paul Unschuld
01上古天真論 - Discourse on the True [Qi Endowed by] Heaven in High Antiquity
02 四氣調神大論 - Comprehensive Discourse on Regulating the Spirit [in Accordance with] the Qi of the Four [Seasons]
03 生氣通天論 - Discourse on how the Generative Qi Communicates with Heaven
04 金匱真言論 - Discourse on the True Words in the Golden Chest
05 陰陽應象大論 - Comprehensive Discourse on Phenomena Corresponding to Yin and Yang
06 陰陽離合論 - Discourse on the Division and Unity of yin and yang
07 陰陽別論 - Further Discourse on Yin and Yang
08 靈蘭秘典論 - Discourse on the Hidden Canons in the Numinous Orchid [Chambers]
09 六節藏象論 - Discourse on the Six Terms [of a Year] and on Phenomena [associated with the Condition] of the Depots
10 五藏生成 - The Generation and Completion of the Five Depots
11 五藏別論 - Further Discourse on the Five Depots
12 異法方宜論 - Discourse on Different [Therapeutic] Patterns Suitable [for Use in Different] Cardinal Points
13 移精變氣論 - Discourse on Moving the Essence and Changing the Qi
14 湯液醪醴論 - Discourse on Decoctions and Wines
15 玉版論要 - Jade Tablet Discourse on the Essentials
16 診要經終論 - Discourse On The Essentials of Diagnosis and On Exhaustion
in the Conduits
17 脈要精微論 - Discourse on the Essentials of Vessels and the Subtleties of the Essence
18 平人氣象論 - Discourse on Phenomena [Reflecting the Status of] Qi in a Normal Person
19 玉機真藏論 Discourse on the Jade Mechanism and the True [Qi of the] Depots
20 三部九候論 Discourse on the Three Sections and Nine Indicators
21 經脈別論 - Further Discourse on the Conduit Vessels
22 藏氣法時論 - Discourse on How the Qi in the Depots Follow the Pattern of the Seasons
23 宣明五氣 - Wide Promulgation of the Five Qi
24 血氣形志 - Blood and Qi, Physical Appearance and Mind
25 寶命全形論 - Discourse on Treasuring Life and Preserving Physical Appearance
26 八正神明論 - Discourse on the Eight Cardinal [Turning Points] and on Spirit Brilliance
27 離合真邪 - Discourse on the Division and Union of True [Qi] and Evil [Qi]
28 通評虛實論 - Discourse Thoroughly Deliberating upon Depletion and Repletion
29 太陰陽明論 - Discourse on the Major Yin and on the Yang Brilliance [Conduits]
30 陽明脈解 - Explanation of the Yang Brilliance Vessel
31 熱論 - Discourse on Heat
32 刺熱 - To Pierce Heat
33 評熱病論 - Discourse Deliberating upon Heat Disease
34 逆調論 - Discourse on the Assessment of Movements Contrary [to their Regular Course]
35 瘧論 - Discourse on Malaria
36 刺瘧 - To Pierce Malaria
37 氣厥論 - Discourse on Qi Recession
38 欬論 - Discourse on Cough
39 舉痛論 - Discourse on Pain
40 腹中論 - Discourse on Abdomen and Center
41 刺腰痛 - To Pierce Lower Back Pain
42 風論 - Discourse on Wind
43 痺論 - Discourse on Blocks
44 痿論 - Discourse On Limpness
45 厥論 - Discourse on Recession
46 病能論 - Discourse on Disease Manifestations
47 奇病論 - Discourse on Strange Diseases
48 大奇論 - Discourse on Very Strange [Diseases]
49 脈解 - Explanations on the Vessels
50 刺要論 - Discourse on the Essentials of Piercing
51 刺齊論 - Discourse on the Restrictions of Piercing
52 刺禁論 - Discourse on Prohibitions in Piercing
53 刺志論 - Discourse on the Aims of Piercing
54 鍼解 - Explanations on the Needles
55 長刺節論 - Discourse on Rules of Extended Piercing
56 皮部論 - Discourse on Skin Sections
57 經絡論 - Discourse On Conduits and Network [Vessels]
58 氣穴論 - Discourse on Qi Holes
59 氣府論 - Discourse on Qi Palaces
60 骨空論 -Discourse on Bone Hollows
61 水熱穴論 - Discourse on Holes [to treat] Water and Heat
62 調經論 - Discourse on Regulating the Conduits
63 繆刺論 - Discourse on Misleading Piercing
64 四時刺逆從論 - Discourse on Opposition and Compliance in Piercing in [the Course of] the Four Seasons
65 標本病傳論 - Discourse on Tip and Root and on the Transmission of Disease [Inside the Organism]
66 天元紀大論 - Comprehensive Discourse on Arrangements of the Principal [Qi] of Heaven
67 五運行大論 - Comprehensive Discourse on the Progression of the Five Periods
68 六微旨大論 - Comprehensive Discourse on the Subtle Significance of the Six [Qi]
69 氣交變大論 - Comprehensive Discourse on Changes [resulting from] Qi Interaction
70 五常政大論 - Comprehensive Discourse on the Five Regular Policies
71 六元正紀大論 - Comprehensive Discourse on the Policies and Arrangements of the Six Principal [Qi]
74 至真要大論 - Comprehensive Discourse on the Essentials of the Most Reliable
75 著至教論 - Discourse on Making Known the Perfect Teachings
76 示從容論 - Discourse on Demonstrating a Natural Approach
77 疏五過論 - Discourse on Expounding the Five Faults
78 徵四失論 - Discourse on Evidence of the Four Failures
79 陰陽類論 - Discourse on Yin and Yang Categories
80 方盛衰論 - Discourse on Comparing Abundance and Weakness
81 解精微論- Discourse on Explaining the Subtleties of Essence
Online informatie:
World digital library: Su wen (fotokopieën van Chinese tekst)Chinese Text Project (Chinese tekst)Literatuur en vertalingen
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Boeken 1 tot 4 van de 4
Martens, Guus (2006). Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen: Bestaansvragen. Oud Chinees gerschrift over de mens tussen hemel en aarde. Boekenplan. *
Vertaald uit Engelse bronnen
ISBN10: 9086660142
Meer informatie...
Ni, Maoshing (1995). The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine: A new Translation of the Beijing Suwen. Shambhala. *
Herziene editie 2011?
ISBN13: 978-1570620805
Meer informatie...
Unschuld, Paul U. (2011). Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen (Vol I en vol II): An Annotated Translation of Huang Di's Inner Classic - Basic Questions. University of California Press. *
ISBN13: 978-0520266988
Meer informatie...
--- (2003). Huang Di nei jing su wen: Nature, Knowledge, Imagery in an Ancient Chinese Medical Text. University of California Press. *ISBN10: 0520233220
Meer informatie...
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