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Zhu Xi 朱熹 [Chu Hsi]
Zhu Xi 朱熹 [Chu Hsi] (1130-1200)
Zhu Xi was een confucianistische geleerde ten tijde van de Song-dynastie en groeide uit tot een van de belangrijkste neo-confucianisten in China. (bron Wikipedia)
Klassieke teksten
- commentaar bij de Yijing (Boek der Veranderingen)Literatuur
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Adler, Joseph (2019). The original meaning of the Yijing - Zhu Xi: Commentary on the Scripture of Change. Columbia University Press. *
met vertaling van de Zhouyi plus de vleugels Xici zhuan, Shuogua zhuan, Zagua zhuan
ISBN13: 978-0231191241
Meer informatie...
--- (2014). Reconstructing the Confucian Dao: Zhu Xi's Appropriation of Zhou Dunyi. SUNY Press. *ISBN13: 978-1438451572
Meer informatie...
--- (2002). Introduction to the Study of the Classic of Change (I-hsüeh ch’i-meng). *Ook online.
Angle, Stephen (2009). Sagehood: The contemporary significance of Neo-Confucian Philosophy. Oxford University Press. *
ISBN13: 978-0199922239
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Chan, Wing-Tsit, redactie (1986). Chu Hsi and Neo Confucianism. University of Hawaii Press. *
ISBN10: 0824809610
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--- (1967). Reflections on things at hand: The neo-Confucian anthology. *Vertaling van de Jinsi lu (近思錄) [Chin-ssu lu]
Ook online.
Meer informatie...
Gardner, Daniel K. (2022). Zhu Xi: Basic Teachings. *
ISBN13: 978-0231206334
Meer informatie...
--- (2003). Zhu Xi's Reading of the Analects: Canon, Commentary, and the Classical Tradition. Columbia University Press. *ISBN10: 0231128649
Huang, Siu-chi (1999). Essentials of Neo-Confucianism: Eight Major Philosophers of the Song and Ming Periods. Greenwood Press. *
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Jones, David & He, Jinli, redactie (2015). Returning to Zhu Xi: Emerging Patterns within the Supreme Polarity. SUNY Press. *
ISBN13: 978-1438458373
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Lee, Chan (2008). Self-cultivation, moral motviation, and moral imagination: A study o Zhu Xi's virtue ethics. *
Makeham, John, redactie (2018). The Buddhist Roots of Zhu Xi’s Philosophical Thought. Oxford University Press. *
Meer informatie...
Munro, Donald D. (1988). Images of Human Nature: A Sung Portrait. Princeton University Press. *
Meer informatie...
Perkins, Franklin & Li, Chenyang, redactie (2015). Chinese Metaphysics and its Problems. Cambridge University Press. *
Meer informatie...
Wittenborn, Allen (1991). Further reflections at hand: A Reader. University Press of America. *
ISBN10: 0819183725
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