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Informatie over 禹 yǔ - Yu

Engels (Ziporyn, Mair): Yu
Duits (Kalinke): [König] Yu
Frans (Levi): Yu.

Biografische informatie:

Yu the Great (大禹) was a legendary king in ancient China who was famed for his introduction of flood control.

Het trio Mythische koningen Yao, Shun en Yu.

Robert Eno: Emperor Yu -- Played a double role in Classical tale of the past. (1) As a figure borrowed from the myth of the Great Flood, he is the man who dredged China's rivers and eased the flood while serving as Shun's Minister of Works. (2) By handing the throne down to his son, he initiated the Xia Dynasty.

Roberte Eno:
Yu was originally the hero of an important myth concerning a great flood that occurred in China. The waters of all the major rivers swelled over their banks and the land was slowly sinking into sea. The legend tells us that Yu identified the problem as siltation of the river beds, and, using superhuman strength, personally dredged the rivers so they would again flow within their banks. This display of dedication to the state led Shun to designate Yu as his successor. Whether for good reasons or bad, Yu is said to have ended the tradition of non-hereditary succession to the kingship. He passed the throne on to his son, a succession that is said to have begun the earliest dynasty.

Meer Informatie wikipedia: Yu the Great (EN)

Het personage Yu komen we 8 keer tegen waarvan 1 keer in dialogen (of monologen) en 7 keer in anekdotes of overige vermeldingen. Hieronder ziet u een overzicht:

Overzicht dialogen

1. hst. 12-VII, pag. 172-173: Yu en Bocheng Zigao

Overige vindplaatsen

Er zijn 7 paragrafen met vermeldingen van Yu:
1. hst. 4-I, pag. 77-84
2. hst. 14-VI, pag. 206-209
3. hst. 16-I, pag. 216-219
4. hst. 17-IV, pag. 231-233
5. hst. 20-V, pag. 262-263
6. hst. 29-I, pag. 378-385
7. hst. 33-V, pag. 418-419