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Informatie over 黃帝 huáng dì - Gele keizer

ook genoemd: Xuanyuan

Engels (Ziporyn, Mair): Yellow Emperor
Duits (Kalinke): Gelbe Kaiser (Huangdi)
Frans (Levi): l'Empereur Jaune.

Biografische informatie:

Robert Eno: Yellow Emperor -- Traditionally, his reign of 100 years is dated c. 2700-2600. His legendary role includes bringing order by defeating great villains in combat (Fiery Emperor, Chi You).

Zie ook wikipedia: Yellow Emperor (EN)

Harold Roth schetst het volgende beeld van de Gele Keizer:
Several recent studies have explored the various symbolic associations of this [de Gele Keizer] important mythological figure, and they are so numerous that one might be concerned that he might be suffering from a bad case of multiple persona!ities.Nonetheless, certain definite characteristics do appear.
The Yellow Emperor is a primal ancestor of the Chinese people and, depending on the text, either the first or one of the first of the five emperors. He is seen as the inventor of certain basic cultural institutions and the conqueror of various barbarians and enemies. He is also depicted as a god of the center and of the earth, an "axial deity." Beyond this, his image often depends on the filiation of the particular text in which he appears. Confucian texts emphasize his wisdom at ruling and his ability to pick and utilize able ministers. Taoist texts emphasize his associations with the various "esoteric arts."

It is in this latter context that his dialogues in the naturalist technical literature are relevant to his image in [the Zhuangzi]. In these sources the Yellow Emperor learns from the experts about the various technical arts such as warfare, physical hygiene, and medicine-as we have already seen-and other arts, such as yin-yang and five phase cosmology, astronomy, cal en dries, immortality-if we can extrapolate from his name being found in the titles of long-lost worlcs in these sections of the Han-shu ''Bibliography." The rhetorical device of the Yellow Emperor as the paradigmatic student of techniques (and the one student
who can't be flunked!) is certainly important in this literature and plays a major role in the symbolic context for the audience in the Zhuangzi narrative.
(Roth 1997 The Yellow Emperor's Guru, p46-47).

Het personage Gele keizer komen we 18 keer tegen waarvan 5 keer in dialogen (of monologen) en 13 keer in anekdotes of overige vermeldingen. Hieronder ziet u een overzicht:

Overzicht dialogen

1. hst. 11-III, pag. 158-161: Meester van de Wijde Volkomenheid en de Gele Keizer
2. hst. 12-IV, pag. 169-170:
3. hst. 14-III, pag. 197-201: Cheng van de Noorderpoort bevraagt de Gele Keizer
4. hst. 22-I, pag. 280-282: Kennis ontmoet Doeniet de Zwijger en bespeurt daarna Dolle Warhoofd en spreekt vervolgens de Gele Keizer
5. hst. 24-III, pag. 314-316: De Gele Keizer ging op reis naar de berggod met zeven wijzen en spreekt een knaap aan, die paarden aan het hoeden was.

Overige vindplaatsen

Er zijn 13 paragrafen met vermeldingen van Gele keizer:
1. hst. 2-VI, pag. 67-70
2. hst. 6-V, pag. 110-112
3. hst. 11-II, pag. 156-158
4. hst. 13-III, pag. 188
5. hst. 14-VI, pag. 206-209
6. hst. 16-I, pag. 216-219
7. hst. 18-III, pag. 239
8. hst. 18-V, pag. 240-242
9. hst. 20-I, pag. 255-256
10. hst. 21-X, pag. 278-279
11. hst. 24-VII, pag. 320-321
12. hst. 29-I, pag. 378-385
13. hst. 33-V, pag. 418-419