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Informatie over 顓頊 zhuān xū - Zhuan Xu

ook genoemd: Gao Yang

Engels (Ziporyn, Mair): Zhuan Xu
Duits (Kalinke): Zhuanxu (Umsichtige Familie)
Frans (Levi): Tchouan-hsiu.

Biografische informatie:

Sinds de oudheid is deze kleinzoon van Huangdi de god van het noorden en het duister, en koning van de onderwereld en de geesten der afgestorvenen. (Schipper)
Like the Yellow Emperor, often listed as one among the Five Ancient Thearchs.(Ziporyn)

Robert Eno: Gaoyang, the Emperor Zhuanxu, was the grandson of the Yellow Emperor and the son of Changyi. He was a deeply tranquil person of many plans, insightful into many things and possessing great practical skill in affairs. He fostered the riches of the world in his employment of the earth, and tracked the times in according with the heavens; he cleaved to the spirits in being constrained according to righteousness, governed the qi vapors in transforming through education, and was pure and sincere in ritual sacrifices.
He went north as far as dark You Ridge and south to Jiaozhi; he went west to the flowing sands of Liusha and east to the twisted trees of Panmu. Among the things of the world that move and those that are at rest, among the great spirits and the small spirits, among all the things upon which the sun and moon shine, none did not submit to him.
The Emperor Zhuanxu had a son named Qiongchan. When Zhuanxu died, Gaoxin, the grandson of Xuanxiao succeeded him. This was the Emperor Ku.

Meer informatie wikipedia: Zhuanxu

Het personage Zhuan Xu komen we 1 keer tegen waarvan 0 keer in dialogen (of monologen) en 1 keer in anekdotes of overige vermeldingen. Hieronder ziet u een overzicht:

Overige vindplaatsen

Er is 1 paragraaf met een of meerdere vermeldingen van Zhuan Xu:
1. hst. 6-V, pag. 110-112