start > Zhuangzi > Personages > Personage
Informatie over 堯 yáo - Yao
Engels (Ziporyn, Mair): Yao
Duits (Kalinke): [König] Yao
Frans (Levi): Yao.
Biografische informatie:
Yao, de legendarische koning die van 2357 tot 2258 voor onze jaartelling geleefd zou hebben, is het evenbeeld van deugdzaamheid voor de confucianisten. (Schipper)
Mythical ancient sage-emperor who ceded his empire not to his son but to the most worthy man in the realm, Shun, also subsequently revered as a sage. (Ziporyn)
Yao wordt in de Zhuangzi vaak in een adem genoemd met Shun.
Het trio Mythische koningen Yao, Shun en Yu.
Robert Eno: Emperor Yao -- The first sage ruler in the most prominent Confucian account of the distant past (the Book of Documents). He fixed the calendar by appointing astronomers and ceded his throne to a commoner-sage.
Robert Eno: Yao appears originally to have been the hero of a myth about astronomy. The great act of cultural creation for which he was deemed responsible was the determination of the movements of the sun and the creation of a calendar that matched the schedule of the human world with the rhythm of the natural seasons. In this way, Yao gets credit for the great achievement of adapting the “patterns” of the heavens to fashion a pattern for social activity. Yao is also celebrated for another great accomplishment: it is said that Yao concluded that his own son was not virtuous enough to succeed to the office of king, and so commanded that a search be undertaken to find in his kingdom a man of virtue so exalted as to be worthy of the throne. The search produced the name of a common farmer named Shun, a man whose achievements were entirely confined to his private conduct. Despite the fact that he had previously held no public office, Yao designated this man his successor solely on the basis of his character.
Meer informatie wikipedia: Yao
Zie ook p 203 waarinde de drie koningen en de vijf soevereinen worden genoemd en Schipper in een noot aangeft welk 8 personen dat zijn.
Het personage Yao komen we 37 keer tegen waarvan 6 keer in dialogen (of monologen) en 31 keer in anekdotes of overige vermeldingen. Hieronder ziet u een overzicht:
Overzicht dialogen
1. hst. 1-II, pag. 48-49: Yao en Xu You2. hst. 1-V, pag. 51:
3. hst. 12-V, pag. 170-171: Xu You en Yao
4. hst. 12-VI, pag. 171-172: Yao en de grenswachter van Hua
5. hst. 13-III, pag. 188: Shun en Yao
6. hst. 28-I, pag. 363-364: Yao en vadertje Zhi van Zizhou --> Shun en Zhi van Zizhou --> Shun en Shanjuan --> Shun en een boer uit Shihu
Overige vindplaatsen
Er zijn 31 paragrafen met vermeldingen van Yao:
1. hst. 1-III, pag. 49-51
2. hst. 4-I, pag. 77-84
3. hst. 5-I, pag. 94-96
4. hst. 6-III, pag. 109
5. hst. 6-X, pag. 120-121
6. hst. 10-I, pag. 145-150
7. hst. 11-I, pag. 153-155
8. hst. 11-II, pag. 156-158
9. hst. 12-III, pag. 168-169
10. hst. 12-VII, pag. 172-173
11. hst. 13-I, pag. 185-186
12. hst. 14-II, pag. 195-197
13. hst. 14-VI, pag. 206-209
14. hst. 17-I, pag. 220-228
15. hst. 17-III, pag. 230-31
16. hst. 18-V, pag. 240-242
17. hst. 20-II, pag. 257-259
18. hst. 22-V, pag. 285-288
19. hst. 23-I, pag. 297-303
20. hst. 24-V, pag. 317-319
21. hst. 24-XII, pag. 325-326
22. hst. 24-XIII, pag. 326-327
23. hst. 25-IV, pag. 334-336
24. hst. 26-V, pag. 349-350
25. hst. 26-X, pag. 353-355
26. hst. 28-XIII, pag. 374
27. hst. 29-I, pag. 378-385
28. hst. 29-II, pag. 386-389
29. hst. 29-III, pag. 389-392
30. hst. 32-IX, pag. 411-412
31. hst. 33-V, pag. 418-419